Anders Hogstrom (2014)

Anders Hogstrom


Anders Hogstrom is a graduate student in Clinical Psychology. He received his BA from the University of Chicago, where he worked with Howard Nusbaum. He is interested in how auditory processes impact language acquisition and language processing in autism spectrum disorders. His MA thesis concerned the influence of top-down expectations on speech processing in ASD. A pianist, he is also part of a collaborative project with Ed Large, to study musical expertise in ASD.


Hogstrom, A., Mohan, A., & Eigsti, I. M. (under review). Validation of a novel pitch discrimination measure for use with pre-school-age children.

Hogstrom, A., Theodore, R., Canfield, A., Castelluccio, B., Green, J. J., Irvine, C., & Eigsti, I. M. (under review). Reduced phonetic convergence in autism spectrum disorder. 

Stewart, C. E., Lee, S. Y., Hogstrom, A., & Williams, M. (2017). Diversify and conquer: A call to promote minority representation in clinical psychology. The Behavior Therapist, 40(3), 74-79.