Professor, Psychological Sciences, University of Connecticut
inge-marie.eigsti (at)
Current CV (downloadable)
Current (amazing!) students
Mackenzie Stabile, Elise Taverna, Jason Crutcher, Hannah Thomas, Becca Canale, Gabrielle Michel
Publications: NCBI list
Professional Experience
- 2023 Director of Research, Institute for Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- 2022 Chaire international (visiting scholar), Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
- 2020 Co-Director, NIH T32 Cognitive Neuroscience of Communication
- 2019 Fellow, Association for Psychological Science
- 2019 Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Connecticut
- 2017-2018 Director, UConn Brain Imaging Research Center
- 2011 Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Connecticut
- 2011-2012 Visiting Scholar, Centre Nationale Recherche Scientifique, Marseille, France
- 2004-2011 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut
- 2001-2004 Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Pediatric Neuroimaging, Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology, Columbia University
- 1993-1995 Junior Research Scientist, Advanced Telecommunications Research Human Information Processing Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan
- 2001 University of Rochester. Dual Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Brain and Cognitive Sciences
- 2000 – 2001 Internship in Child and Adolescent Psychology; University of Rochester Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry
- 2000 M.A. (Clinical Psychology), University of Rochester
- 1999 M.A. (Brain and Cognitive Sciences), University of Rochester
- 1993 A.B cum laude (Linguistics), The University of Chicago
- 1991 Japanese proficiency certificate; Japanese Training Academy, Tokyo, Japan
Current External Awards
- NIDCD T32DC017703, 7/1/2019-6/30/2029, Training in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Communication. Eigsti, IM: MPI (with E. B. Myers)
- NIDCD 1R01DC021564-01, 09/18/2023 – 08/31/2028, Ready to CONNECT: Conversation and Language in Autistic Teens. Eigsti, IM: PI.
- NCHHD 1R01HD110140-01A1, 4/10/2023 – 3/31/2028, Sensitivity of toddler screening: Integrating concurrent and prospective strategies to detect ASD. D. Robins, PI. Eigsti, IM: Site PI.
- NIDCD F31DC021637-01, 1/8/2024 – 1/7/2026, The neural underpinnings of speech and nonspeech auditory processing in autism: Implications for language. H. Thomas, PI. Eigsti, IM: Mentor.
- NIDCD 1F31DC022187-01, 06/15/2024 – 06/14/2027, Modeling individual differences in the temporal dynamics of spoken word recognition in autistic young adults (R. Canale, PI). Mentor.
- NSF 2152202, 7/01/2022 – 6/30/2027, TRANSdisciplinary Convergence in Educational Neuroscience Doctoral (TRANSCEND) Training Program. F. Hoeft, PI. Eigsti, IM: Co-PI
- HRSA Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disorders (LEND) Training Program, 7/1/2022 – 6/30/2026. M. Bruder, PI. Eigsti, IM: Core Faculty.
- NIMH R01MH112687-01A1, 2018-2024, Optimal Outcomes in ASD: Adult Functioning, Predictors, and Mechanisms. Eigsti, IM: MPI (with D. A. Fein).
Undergraduate courses:
Abnormal Psychology (PSYC 2300; Fall)
Autism and Developmental Disorders (PSYC 3202W; Spring, alternate years)
Graduate courses:
Practicum in Cognitive Assessment (PSYC 5301; Fall)
CNC-CT Clinical Connections Seminar (mostly Fall)
IGERT Foundations Course: Language Acquisition in Atypical Populations (Spring, alternate years; co-taught with Letty Naigles)
In addition, we mentor undergraduate students in research, via PSYC 3889/4197W. For more info, visit the “Joining the lab” page.
Awards and Honors
2011 Research Scholar Award, Fulbright
2001 – 2004 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, National Institutes of Mental Health2008 Professional Excellence in Education, University of Connecticut
2000 Dissertation Award, Language Learning
2000 Predoctoral Research Fellowship, National Institutes of Mental Health
1999 Dissertation Award, Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology